Page 3 - Chiral N,N-Dioxides: New Ligands and Organocatalysts for Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions
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Chiral N,N -Dioxides Liu et al.

          FIGURE 2. Representative chiral N,N -dioxides.

          FIGURE 3. Crystal structures and stereoviews of N,N -dioxide and the metal complexes.
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           H NMR and X-ray analysis of N,N -dioxides. However, free  (Figure 3bd) reveals that the spatial arrangement of
          L2f exhibits a conformation in which the two N-oxide amide  N,N -dioxide varies, especially that of the amide moieties.
          moieties are located away from each other (Figure 3a), 10  The N,N -dioxide behaves as a neutral tetradentate ligand
          casting doubt as to whether this soft backbone would  that both oxygens of N-oxide as well as both carbonyl
          promote good stereoinduction for asymmetric reactions. 1  oxygens coordinate to the metal center, and the two amide
          As a result of the chelate effect, the structure of the  groups on the opposite sides are disposed in a bibrachial
          N,N -dioxides becomes compacted in the presence of a  manner. The structure also features a metal-centered spiro-
          Lewis acid, which serves to attract the four oxygen atoms  cycle that the two (CdO)metal(ON) six-membered rings
          together. The chirality-at-nitrogen is maintained in the  lie in perpendicular planes. A cycle generated from the alkyl
          formed complex, even though the original intramolecular  linkage breaks the C 2 -symmetry of the complex and ef-
          hydrogen bonds are disrupted. X-ray analysis of the L1fSc-  fectively shields one quadrant. Two unoccupied positions
          (OTf) 3 , 10,11 L2fNi(BF 4 ) 2 , 10,12  andL3fMg(OTf) 2 10 complexes  in the quadrilateral bipyramid offer opportunities for the

          576 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 574–587 ’ 2011 ’ Vol. 44, No. 8
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