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Final Report Update 1                                             Drug Effectiveness Review Project

                  Author, Year    Mean    N   Duration  Disease                Results               Quality
                                   Age        (weeks)   Severity                                     Rating
               Mohs et al. 2001 42  75   431     54      Mild-    Significantly fewer people on DON than   Fair
                                                       moderate    on placebo had clinically significant
                                                                   functional loss
               Rogers et al., 1996 45  72  161   12      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly better cognitive   Fair
                                                       moderate    and global assessment scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: no significant
                                                                   differences in QoL and activities of
                                                                   daily living
               Rogers et al., 1998 44  73  473   24      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly better cognitive   Fair
                                                       moderate    and global assessment scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: QoL scores
                                                                   significantly better  with DON 5mg but
                                                                   not DON 10 mg
               Rogers et al., 1998 43  74  468   12      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly better cognitive   Fair
                                                       moderate    and global assessment scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: QoL scores
                                                                   significantly better  with DON 10mg but
                                                                   not DON 5 mg
               Seltzer et al. 2004 46  74  157   24       Mild    Symptoms: significantly better cognitive   Fair
                                                                   and global assessment scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: NR
               Tariot et al., 2001 47  86  208   20      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly better cognitive   Fair
                                                       moderate    and global assessment scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: NR
               Winblad et al.,     73    286     52      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly slower decline in   Fair
               2001                                    moderate    cognitive and global assessment
                                                                   scores for DON
                                                                  Behavior / function: no difference in
                                                                   behavior and functional capacity
                                                   Galantamine vs. Placebo
               Loy & Schneider,    NR    3,77    >4       NR      Symptoms: significantly slower decline in   Good
               2005 (SR) 34, 62           7                        cognitive and global assessment
                                                                   scores for GAL 16-32mg/d
                                                                  Behavior / function: Mixed evidence for
                                                                   behavior and function; most trials
                                                                   reported statistically significant
                                                                   differences only at higher doses
               Brodaty et al.,     77    971     26      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly slower decline in   Good
               2005                                    moderate    cognitive and global assessment
                                                                   scores for GAL and GAL PRC
                                                                  Behavior / function: significantly better
                                                                   function scores for GAL and GAL PRC
                                                                   but no differences in behavior
               Raskind et al.,     75    636     26      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly slower decline in   Fair
               2000                                    moderate    cognitive and global assessment
                                                                   scores for GAL
                                                                  Behavior / function: No significant
                                                                   difference in function
               Rockwood et al.,    75    386     26      Mild  -  Symptoms: significantly slower decline in   Fair
               2001 51, 63                             moderate    cognitive and global assessment
                                                                   scores for GAL
                                                                  Behavior / function: significantly slower
                                                                   decline in function for GAL; no
                                                                   difference in behavior or sleep

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