Page 80 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 80

66                            7 Linear and Graph Genetic Programming


                   ∗                   +

              x         y         ∗          3        ∗                  3

                              x       y          x        y

                             (a)                             (b)

            Figure 7.5: A sample tree where the same subtree is used twice (a) and
            the corresponding graph-based representation of the same program (b). The
            graph representation may be more efficient since it makes it possible to avoid
            the repeated evaluation of the same subtree.

            with nodes representing functions and terminals. Edges represent both con-
            trol flow and data flow. The possible efficiency gains obtained by a graph
            representation are illustrated in Figure 7.5.
               In the simplest form of PDGP edges are directed and unlabelled, in
            which case PDGP is a generalisation of standard GP. However, more com-
            plex representations can be used, which allow the evolution of: programs,
            including standard tree-like programs, logic networks, neural networks, re-
            current transition networks and finite state automata. This can be achieved
            by extending the representation by associating labels with the edges of the
            program graph. In addition to the function and terminal sets, this form of
            PDGP requires the definition of a link set. The labels on the links depend
            on what is to be evolved. For example, in neural networks, the link labels
            are numerical constants for the neural network weights. In a finite state au-
            tomaton, the edges are labelled with the input symbols that determine the
            FSA’s state transitions. It is even possible for the labels to be automatically
            defined edges, which play a role similar to ADFs (Section 6.1.1) by invoking
            other PDGP graphs.
               In PDGP, programs are manipulated by special crossover and mutation
            operators which guarantee the syntactic correctness of the offspring. Each
            node occupies a position in a regular grid. The genetic operators act by
            moving, copying or randomly generating sub-regions of the grid. For this
            reason PDGP search operators are very efficient.
               PDGP programs can be executed according to different policies depend-
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