Page 68 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 68

54             6 Modular, Grammatical and Developmental Tree-based GP


                  E       *      sin     (      E      *       t      )

                  var            (      E      op      E       )

                   y                    var     +     var

                                        x              z

            Figure 6.2: Example individual (a derivation tree) that might be evolved
            in Whigham’s grammar-based GP system (Whigham, 1996) if the grammar
            in Equation (6.3) was used. Rectangles represent non-terminal symbols of
            the grammar.

               In this sort of system, the grammar is typically used to ensure the initial
            population is made up of legal “grammatical” programs. The grammar is
            also used to guide the operations of the genetic operators. Thus we need to
            keep track not only of the program itself, but also the syntax rules used to
            derive it.
               What actually is evolved in a grammar-based GP system depends on the
            particular system. Whigham (1996), for example, evolved derivation trees,
            which effectively are a hierarchical representation of which rewrite rules must
            be applied, and in which order, to obtain a particular program. Figure 6.2
            shows an example of a derivation tree representing a grammatical program
            with respect to the grammar in Equation (6.3). In this system, crossover is
            restricted to only swapping subtrees deriving from a common non-terminal
            symbol in the grammar. So, for example, a subtree rooted by an E node
            could be replaced by another also rooted by an E, while an E-rooted subtree
            could not be replaced by an op-rooted one.
               The actual program represented by a derivation tree can be obtained by
            reading out the leaves of the tree one by one from left to right. For the
            derivation tree in Figure 6.2, for example, this produces the program
                                   y × sin((x + z) × t).
            However, for efficiency reasons, in an actual implementation it is not con-
            venient to extract the program represented by a derivation tree is this way.
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