Page 58 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 58

44             5 Alternative Initialisations and Operators in Tree-based GP

                 affects all constants in an individual where “a numerical partial gra-
                 dient ascent is achieved to reach the nearest local optimum”. Finally,
                 Sharman, Esparcia Alcazar, and Li (1995) used simulated annealing to
                 update numerical values (which represented signal amplification gains)
                 within individuals.

            5.3    GP Crossover

            During biological sexual reproduction, the genetic material from both
            mother and father is combined in such a way that genes in the child are
            in approximately the same position as they were in its parents. This is quite
            different from traditional tree-based GP crossover, which can move a subtree
            to a totally different position in the tree structure.
               Crossover operators that tend to preserve the position of genetic ma-
            terial are called homologous, and several notions of homologous crossover
            have been proposed for GP. It is fairly straightforward to realise homolo-
            gous crossover when using linear representations, and homologous operators
            are widely used in linear GP (cf. Figure 7.4, page 65) (Defoin Platel, Clergue,
            and Collard, 2003; Francone, Conrads, Banzhaf, and Nordin, 1999; Hansen,
            2003; Hansen, Lowry, Meservy, and McDonald, 2007; Nordin, Banzhaf, and
            Francone, 1999; O’Neill, Ryan, Keijzer, and Cattolico, 2003). Various forms
            of homologous crossover have also been proposed for tree-based GP (Col-
            let, 2007; Langdon, 2000; Lones, 2003; MacCallum, 2003; Yamamoto and
            Tschudin, 2005).
               The oldest homologous crossover in tree-based GP is one-point crossover
            (Langdon and Poli, 2002; Poli and Langdon, 1997, 1998a). This works by se-
            lecting a common crossover point in the parent programs and then swapping
            the corresponding subtrees. To allow for the two parents having different
            shapes, one-point crossover analyses the two trees from the root nodes and
            selects the crossover point only from the parts of the two trees in the common
            region (see Figure 5.1). In the common region, the parents have the same
            shape. 1  The common region is related to homology, in the sense that the
            common region represents the result of a matching process between parent
            trees. Within the common region between two parent trees, the transfer of
            homologous primitives can happen like it does in a linear bit string genetic
               Uniform crossover for trees (Poli and Langdon, 1998b) works (in the
            common region) like uniform crossover in GAs.  That is, the offspring are
            created by visiting the nodes in the common region and flipping a coin at
               1 Nodes in the common region need not be identical but they must have the same
            arity. That is, they must both be leaves or both be functions with the same number of
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