Page 5 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
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What’s in this book

            The book is divided up into four parts.
               Part I covers the basics of genetic programming (GP). This starts with a
            gentle introduction which describes how a population of programs is stored
            in the computer so that they can evolve with time. We explain how programs
            are represented, how random programs are initially created, and how GP
            creates a new generation by mutating the better existing programs or com-
            bining pairs of good parent programs to produce offspring programs. This
            is followed by a simple explanation of how to apply GP and an illustrative
            example of using GP.
               In Part II, we describe a variety of alternative representations for pro-
            grams and some advanced GP techniques. These include: the evolution of
            machine-code and parallel programs, the use of grammars and probability
            distributions for the generation of programs, variants of GP which allow the
            solution of problems with multiple objectives, many speed-up techniques
            and some useful theoretical tools.
               Part III provides valuable information for anyone interested in using GP
            in practical applications. To illustrate genetic programming’s scope, this
            part contains a review of many real-world applications of GP. These in-
            clude: curve fitting, data modelling, symbolic regression, image analysis,
            signal processing, financial trading, time series prediction, economic mod-
            elling, industrial process control, medicine, biology, bioinformatics, hyper-
            heuristics, artistic applications, computer games, entertainment, compres-
            sion and human-competitive results. This is followed by a series of recom-
            mendations and suggestions to obtain the most from a GP system. We then
            provide some conclusions.
               Part IV completes the book. In addition to a bibliography and an index,
            this part includes two appendices that provide many pointers to resources,
            further reading and a simple GP implementation in Java.
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