Page 114 - 49A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
P. 114

100                                 11 GP Theory and its Applications

                   0                                         127 151
                       10  20                                      Size
                              30                          91
                                  40  50                 63
                                          60          31
                  Three-Input Boolean equivalence class              70  80  1
            Figure 11.1: Proportion of NAND trees that yield each three-input func-
            tions. As circuit size increases the distribution approaches a limit.

            e) CCNOT (Toffoli gate) computer, f) quantum computers, g) the “average”
            computer and h) AND, NAND, OR, NOR expressions.
               Recently, (Langdon and Poli, 2006; Poli and Langdon, 2006b) started ex-
            tending these results to Turing complete machine code programs. For this
            purpose, a simple, but realistic, Turing complete machine code language,
            T7, was considered. It includes: directly accessed bit addressable memory,
            an addition operator, an unconditional jump, a conditional branch and four
            copy instructions. A mathematical analysis of the halting process based on
            a Markov chain model of program execution and halting was performed.
            The model can be used to estimate, for any given program length, impor-
            tant quantities, such as the halting probability and the run time of halting
            programs. This showed a scaling law indicating that the halting probabil-
            ity for programs of length L is of order 1/ L, while the expected number
            of instructions executed by halting programs is of order  L. In contrast
            to many proposed Markov models, this can be done very efficiently, mak-
            ing it possible to compute these quantities for programs of tens of million
            instructions in a few minutes. Experimental results confirmed the theory.
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