Page 79 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 79

4.1. STAGNATION STATE FOR IDEAL GAS MODEL                            41

                The usefulness of Mach num-          A                    B
         ber and equation (4.9) can be demon-
                                                     T 0                 T 0
         strated by this following simple exam-      P 0    velocity     P 0
                                                     ρ 0                 ρ 0
         ple. In this example a gas flows through
         a tube (see Figure 4.2) of any shape
         can be expressed as a function of only
         the stagnation temperature as oppose  Fig. 4.2: Perfect gas flows through a tube
         to the function of the temperatures and
                The definition of the stagnation provides the advantage of a compact writ-
         ing. For example, writing the energy equation for the tube when by an external
         forces or energy exchange shown in Figure (4.2). In that case, the energy ques-
         tion is reduced to


                The ratio of stagnation pressure to the static pressure can be expressed
         as a function of the temperature ratio because of the isentropic relationship as


         In the same manner the relationship for the density


         A new useful definition is introduced for the case when 
   and denoted by

         superscript  . The special case of ratio of the star values to stagnation values are
         depend only on the heat ratio as following:


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