Page 194 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 194

156                                           CHAPTER 9. FANNO FLOW


                                                       all supersonic                    b     c


                                                                        mixed supersonic

                                                                        with subsonic

                                                                        flow with a shock
                                                                                          the nozzle
                                                                                          is still
                                                                                          choked        !

                                            Fig. 9.8: The Mach numbers at entrance and exit of tube and mass flow rate for Fanno Flow
                                                   as a function of the

                              Should  the  mathematical                                       ) .
                              derivations be inserted to  flow. In this range, the flow rate decreases since (  N  b
                              demonstrate it?      To summarize the above discussion the figures 9.8 exhibits the developed
                                                                                     . Somewhat different then the sub-
                                            sonic branch the the mass flow rate is constant even the flow in the tube is com-
                                                 , N  mass flow rate as a function of WYX(Z [
                                            of N
                                            pletely subsonic. This situation is because the “double” choked condition in the
                                            nozzle. The exit Mach N  is a continuous monotonic function that decreases with
                                                                      is a non continuous function with a jump at point when
                                            shock occurs at the entrance “moves” into the nozzle.
                                             WYX(Z [
                                                . The entrance Mach N
                                                                           as a function of N  . The figure was calculated
                                                                                                 for N  and subtracting
                                                   Figure 9.9 exhibits the N

                                            by utilizing the data from figure 9.2 by obtaining the WYX(Z [
                                                   In the figure 9.10
                                            the given W`XaZ [
                                                         and finding the corresponding N
                                                   The figure 9.10 exhibits the entrance Mach number as a function of the
                                            N  . Obviously there can be two extreme possibilities for the subsonic exit branch.
                                            Subsonic velocity occurs for supersonic entrance velocity, one, when the shock
                                            wave occurs at the tube exit and, two, at the tube entrance . In the figure 9.10
                                            with only shock at the exit only. Obviously, and as can be observed, the larger
                                            only for WYX(Z [
                                                                                                         H QS#"
                                                                     H QS V two extremes are shown. For W`XaZ [
                                                             and W`XaZ [
                                                creates larger differences between exit Mach number for the different shock
                                                        H QS_I
                                                                           must occurs even for shock at the entrance.
                                             WYX(Z [
                                              14  Note that $&%  increases with decreases of '%  but this effect is less significant.
                                            location. The larger W`XaZ [
                                                                  larger N
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