Page 143 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 143

In the previous two chapters, the flow in a variable area duct and the normal shock
         (discontinuity) were discussed. A discussion of the occurrences of shock in flow
         in a variable is presented. As is was presented before, the shock can occur only
         when there is a supersonic flow. As it was shown in Chapter 5, the gas has to pass
         trough a converging–diverging nozzle to obtain a supersonic flow. Thus, the study
         of the normal shock in converging–diverging nozzle is presented.
                In the previous Chap-
         ter, the flow in a convergent–
         divergent nuzzle was presented
         when the pressure ratio was
         above or below the special
         range. In this Chapter, the flow
         in this special range of pres-
         sure ratios is presented. It is in-
         teresting to note that a normal
         shock must occur in these situ-
         ations (pressure ratios).                            Subsonic 
  subsonic flow after
                In figure (6.1) the re-                                a shock  d
         duced pressure distribution in                  Supersonic
         the converging–diverging noz-
                                                              distance, x
         zle is shown in whole range
         pressure ratios. In case, when  Fig. 6.1: The flow in the nozzle with different back pres-
                             B is be-        sures
         tween point “a” and point “b” the
         the pressure ratio,
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