Page 124 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 124

86                                         CHAPTER 5. NORMAL SHOCK

                                             The “downstream” Mach number reads


                                             Again, the shock is moving to the left but in the moving coordinates. The observer

                                            (with the shock) sees the flow moving from the left to the right. The upstream is on
                                            the left of the shock. The stagnation temperature increases by

                                                   The prominent question in this sit-

                                            uation is what the shock wave velocity for
                                                                     and for a given

                                            specific heat ratio. The “upstream” or the        "$#&%  
                                            “downstream” Mach number are not known                        !
                                            a given fluid velocity,
                                            even if the pressure and the temperature                       c.v.
                                            downstream are given. The difficulty lays in        Stationary Coordinates
                                            the jump from the stationary coordinates to
                                            the moving coordinates. it turned out that it
                                            is very useful to use the dimensionless pa-
                                                               instead the velocity be-        :<;>=9?@;$A&B  C  5)6
                                            cause it combines the temperature and ve-       *+-,.
                                            locity into one.                                   798         /$021/43
  , or

                                                   The relationship between the Mach
                                            number on two sides of the shock are tied                      c.v.
                                                                                                  Moving Coordinates
                                            through equations (5.54) and (5.55) by
                                                                                     Fig. 5.6: Comparison between stationary
                                                                                            shock and moving shock in a
                                                                              (5.57)        stationary medium in ducts


                                             And substituting equation (5.57) into (5.48) results





                                             The temperature ratio in equation (5.58)and the rest of the right hand side show


                                            four solutions). Only one real solution is possible. The solution to equation (5.58)

                                            can be obtained by several numerical methods. Note, that analytical solution can
                                            clearly that
                                                           has four possible solutions (fourth order polynomial for

                                            be obtained to (5.58) but it seems very simple to utilize numerical methods. The
                                                                                     . For very small values of upstream
                                            typical methods is of “smart” guessing of
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