Page 113 - Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals
P. 113
Graphic Design 101
When you begin the measurement process, there are a few option prompts you may have to respond to.
Some software allows for the averaging of multiple press sheets to produce an improved characterization
of the device. This software can scan the colour bars placed at the bottom of the sheet and indicate which
sheets are the best candidates for measuring. If you have chosen to do multiple sheets, then you will have
to record the sheet number on each of the pages that you cut from the full press sheet in order to enter
the sheet number correctly as you carry on measuring.
Proofing devices are stable enough that it is not necessary to average multiple sheets. You may still be
cutting out single pages from a larger sheet (depending on the size of your proofing device) and should
label the individual pages to stay organized. You can skip any of the prompts that deal with choosing
multi-sheet options.
Once past the initial options, you will be prompted to calibrate the measuring instrument. Make sure the
i1 Pro is correctly seated on its base plate and push the button. After successful calibration, you will be
instructed to mount page 1 of your colour chart and begin measuring. For hand-held measuring with the
i1 Pro, use the white plastic proof mounting base it came with. Secure your page under the spring clip at
the top of the mounting base, positioning it so that the sliding clear plastic guide the spectro rides on can
reach the first row of colour patches. The clear plastic guide has a horizontal opening that the head of the
spectro nestles into to traverse the horizontal row of colour swatches. There is a cradle for the base of the
spectro to rest on that slides horizontally across the guide. The spectro must begin on white paper to the
left of the colour patch row, and finish on white paper to the right of the row. If your target has a semi-
circle printed to the left of its colour rows, use it to position the chart under the scanning opening of the
plastic guide. The left semi-circle on the opening in the guide should align with the printed semi-circle
on the chart. If there is no printed semi-circle on the chart, allow ¼ – ½ inch of white space showing in
the opening to the left of the first colour patch.
With your chart properly placed in the mounting base, position the spectro all the way to the left on the
plastic guide with its base in the sliding cradle and reading aperture in the cut-away channel. Press the
button on the left side of the spectro and keep it pressed. Wait one second while the white of the paper
is read (there may be a beep to indicate this is done), slide the spectro smoothly and evenly to the right
until you reach white paper past the colour patches, and then release the button. You should be rewarded
with a prompt to scan row B. Slide the entire plastic guide down one row, move the spectro all the way
back to the left, and do it all over again! If you receive an error, clear the prompt and try scanning the
same row again. Success at hand-held scanning comes with a little bit of practice and a Zen approach.
Your degree of success will be inversely proportional to the amount of anxiety you feel. The techniques
that contribute to getting it right are smooth and even passage of the spectro; consistent pressure (make
sure you are not pushing down on the head); white paper at either end; and keeping the button pressed
from start to finish.
After you receive a couple of errors on the same row, the software may switch to individual patch
reading. In this case, the prompt will now say “Scan patch B1” instead of the previous “Scan row
B.” You must position the read head over each individual patch and press the spectro’s button when
prompted on screen. After completing one row of individual patches, you will be returned to full row
scanning mode. This procedure allows the measurement process to go forward when the software is
having trouble detecting colour boundaries in a particular row.
Having completed all rows on all pages (which may take some time), you will be prompted to save the