Page 301 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 301

16.4 Review Problems                                                                          301

                         Find the dimension of the kernel and image of this operator. What
                         happens if the target space is changed to P n−1 (x) or P n+1 (x)?

                         Now consider P 2 (x, y), the space of polynomials of degree two or less
                         in x and y. (Recall how degree is counted; xy is degree two, y is degree
                         one and x y is degree three, for example.) Let

                                                 ∂     ∂
                                          L :=     +     : P 2 (x, y) → P 2 (x, y).
                                                ∂x    ∂y

                         (For example, L(xy) =   ∂  (xy) +  ∂  (xy) = y + x.) Find a basis for the
                                                 ∂x        ∂y
                         kernel of L. Verify the dimension formula in this case.

                      7. Lets demonstrate some ways the dimension formula can break down if
                         a vector space is infinite dimensional.

                          (a) Let R[x] be the vector space of all polynomials in the variable x
                              with real coefficients. Let D =   d  be the usual derivative operator.
                              Show that the range of D is R[x]. What is ker D?
                              Hint: Use the basis {x | n ∈ N}.
                         (b) Let L: R[x] → R[x] be the linear map

                                                      L(p(x)) = xp(x) .

                              What is the kernel and range of M?
                          (c) Let V be an infinite dimensional vector space and L: V → V be a
                              linear operator. Suppose that dim ker L < ∞, show that dim L(V )
                              is infinite. Also show that when dim L(V ) < ∞ that dim ker L is

                      8. This question will answer the question, “If I choose a bit vector at
                         random, what is the probability that it lies in the span of some other

                           i. Given a collection S of k bit vectors in B , consider the bit ma-
                              trix M whose columns are the vectors in S. Show that S is linearly
                              independent if and only if the kernel of M is trivial, namely the
                              set kerM = {v ∈ B | Mv = 0} contains only the zero vector.

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