Page 155 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 155

7.6 Review Problems                                                                           155

                   Notice that −1 = 1, since 1+1 = 0. Therefore, we can apply all of the linear
                   algebra we have learned thus far to matrices with Z 2 entries. A matrix with
                   entries in Z 2 is sometimes called a bit matrix.
                                        
                                 1 0 1
                   Example 95    0 1 1    is an invertible matrix over Z 2 ;
                                 1 1 1
                                                                  
                                             1 0 1            0 1 1
                                            0 1 1      =   1 0 1    .
                                             1 1 1            1 1 1
                      This can be easily verified by multiplying:
                                                                     
                                         1 0 1       0 1 1         1 0 0
                                         0 1 1       1 0 1     =   0 1 0
                                                                     
                                         1 1 1       1 1 1         0 0 1

                   Application: Cryptography A very simple way to hide information is to use a sub-
                   stitution cipher, in which the alphabet is permuted and each letter in a message is
                   systematically exchanged for another. For example, the ROT-13 cypher just exchanges
                   a letter with the letter thirteen places before or after it in the alphabet. For example,
                   HELLO becomes URYYB. Applying the algorithm again decodes the message, turning
                   URYYB back into HELLO. Substitution ciphers are easy to break, but the basic idea
                   can be extended to create cryptographic systems that are practically uncrackable. For
                   example, a one-time pad is a system that uses a different substitution for each letter
                   in the message. So long as a particular set of substitutions is not used on more than
                   one message, the one-time pad is unbreakable.
                      English characters are often stored in computers in the ASCII format. In ASCII,
                   a single character is represented by a string of eight bits, which we can consider as a
                   vector in Z (which is like vectors in R , where the entries are zeros and ones). One
                   way to create a substitution cipher, then, is to choose an 8 × 8 invertible bit matrix
                   M, and multiply each letter of the message by M. Then to decode the message, each
                   string of eight characters would be multiplied by M −1 .
                      To make the message a bit tougher to decode, one could consider pairs (or longer
                   sequences) of letters as a single vector in Z 2  (or a higher-dimensional space), and
                   then use an appropriately-sized invertible matrix. For more on cryptography, see “The
                   Code Book,” by Simon Singh (1999, Doubleday).

                   7.6     Review Problems

                   Webwork: Reading Problems          6    , 7

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