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Histopathologic features

               -  Hyperkeratosis with parakeratosis (presence of nucleated keratinocytes in the

                   stratum corneum due lack of maturation of cells since rapid transit time do not permit
                   normal maturation of cells). Reduced or absent granular layer.

               -  Acanthosis with elongation of rete ridges and a corresponding upward elongation of

                   dermal papillae.
               - Infiltrate:  Mononuclear  in  dermis and polymorphs in  the upper epidermis forming

                   collections called ‘microabscess of Munro’.

               -  Upper dermal vasculature shows dilatation and tortuosity.

               Types of presentations: the patients may present in a variety of ways with overlapping
               features being not uncommon.

               1.  Chronic plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris). The commonest type of psoriasis,
                   presenting with typical plaques of psoriasis of the extensors surfaces like knee,

                   pretibial area elbows and trunk, back and scalp. The plaques stay for months to
                   years without progression that is why it is called stable plaque.

               2.  Guttate psoriasis (acute eruptive psoriasis). Generally uncommon but appears in

                   childhood and young adults. Acute eruption  of drop-shaped lesions distributed
                   widely over the body. Usually it follows streptococcal throat infection.

               3.  Flexural psoriasis (psoriasis inversa): lesions are present over the flexors and
                   intertriginous areas (axilla, groin, umbilical region, inframammary folds) the lesions

                   may be moist and lack the typical scaling.

               4.  Generalized pustular psoriasis may occur as an explosive eruption of generalized
                   pustules with systemic disturbances. This may follow withdrawal of systemic steroid

                   therapy or application of irritants
               5.  Pustular psoriasis. May  be localized or generalized.  Localized pustular psoriasis

                   usually presents with persistent pustular eruptions of the hands and feet.

               6.  Erythrodermic psoriasis (more than 90% of the body surface area affected).
                   Psoriasis may present with  Erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis). There is

                   generalized inflammatory erythema with profuse scaling. The mortality is very high
                   without proper care( exfoliative dermatitis and it management)

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