Page 7 - Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary
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Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary
gEORgE ISHAM (Chair), Medical Director and Chief Health Officer,
SHARON E. bARRETT, Association of Clinicians for the Underserved
CAROLyN COCOTAS, Director, Affinity Health Plan
MICHAEL L. DAVIS, Vice President, General Mills
bARbARA A. DEbuONO, Senior Medical Director/Group Leader,
Pfizer, Inc.
DEbbIE FRITZ, Director, GlaxoSmithKline
LINDA HARRIS, Acting Team Leader, Health Communication and
eHealth Team, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
bETSy L. HuMPHREyS, Deputy Director, National Institutes of Health
LINDA JOHNSTON-LLOyD, Senior Advisor, Health Resources and
Services Administration, Center for Quality
JEAN kRAuSE, Executive Vice President and CEO, American College
of Physicians Foundation
DENNIS MILNE, Vice President, Patient Education, American Heart
RuTH PARkER, Emory University School of Medicine
yOLANDA PARTIDA, Director, National Program Office, University
of California, San Francisco, Fresno Center for Medical Education &
kyu bAk LOuIS RHEE, Director, Office of Innovation and Program
Coordination, National Center on Minority and Health Disparities,
National Institutes of Health
ZORI RODRIguEZ, Health Disparities Manager, American Academy
of Family Physicians
WILLIAM SMITH, Academy for Educational Development
CAROL TEuTSCH, Director, Medical Services, Merck & Co.
WINSTON F. WONg, Clinical Director, Community Benefit, Kaiser
SAbRA WOOLLEy, National Cancer Institute
ANTRONETTE yANCEy, Associate Professor of Health Services
and Director, Doctorate in Public Health Program, University of
California, School of Public Health
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