Page 62 - Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary
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Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary


                     Outcomes and Challenges of
                           eHealth Approaches:

                                      Panel 2

                          uSINg TECHNOLOgy TO IMPROVE
                          MIgRANT HEALTH CARE DELIVERy

                                     Cynthia Solomon
                        Chief executie officer, Access Strategies, inc.

               MiVIA  is  a  patient  electronic  personal  health  record  (PHR)  origi-
            nally  designed  to  engage  a  very  vulnerable  population—migrant  and
            seasonal  farm  workers—in  their  own  health  care  through  the  use  of  a
            personal health record. It was later expanded to include other vulnerable
            populations such as the homeless, those with special needs, women, and
            children. The MiVIA project is a collaborative effort of St. Joseph Health
            System in Sonoma County, California; the Community Health Resource
            Development Center; and Vineyard Workers Services.
               In 2002 and 2003 developers of the new system held meetings with
            farm workers and settled agricultural workers to explain the concept of
            the PHR and to ask them what information they would want to carry with
            them and have accessible to them. The developers quickly learned, for
            instance, that the participants did not want to be called users or patients
            or consumers; they wished to be called members. The members named
            the system MiVIA, which means “my way” in Spanish.
               MiVIA has evolved over the years. In 2003 it was a consumer portal
            for information storage on migrant and farm worker members. By 2005
            it included a clinician portal that offered clinicians access to the personal
            health record (with member permission), but the data entered were read-

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