Page 56 - Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary
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Health Literacy, eHealth, and Communication: Putting the Consumer First: Workshop Summary


            people might doubt all the information provided to them by such sources
            as a drug company or a physician who might have been detailed by a
            drug company. What is troubling, she said, is that no one is following the
            money trail on dietary supplements. For example, individuals read about
            how they can improve their health by taking Vitamin C, or Vitamin E is
            marketed in some popular magazine. While there is nothing wrong with
            marketing these supplements, somehow individuals fail to think about
            the greed factor with the supplements, which are a multi-billion dollar
            business. Perhaps one should use individuals’ natural skepticism as an
            educational entrée on things such as dietary supplements which deserve
            skepticism  similar  to  that  directed  toward  the  medical  establishment.
            There is also the issue of the placebo effect which should be part of the
            educational effort
               Those are excellent points, Kukafka responded. The idea is that the
            website will provide a platform for discourse on such topics. As these
            things arise, there will be educational opportunities to correct erroneous
            information. But such information cannot be provided “up front” by the
            experts because it will then be perceived as not credible. It must be part
            of the discourse.
               Kukafka was asked how large a pool of interactions was needed to
            have  a  self-correcting  group  that  arrives  at  the  truth  through  primary
            sources as opposed to seeking out experts. She responded that it is not
            known what the necessary number is. The available data show that what-
            ever the size of the population using a wiki, only a small number of indi-
            viduals in that population will actually make edits. One has to be able to
            divide the population into those who are making corrections and those
            who are only viewing. It is interesting that if one examines the numbers
            of hits for wiki sites versus those sites based on health expert design, the
            wiki sites tend to draw larger numbers.
               Another audience member said that wikis are being used to evaluate
            various professionals. For example, in San Francisco a website was estab-
            lished recently to evaluate police officers, but it was immediately taken
            down. Perhaps there are aspects of wikis that could be used to evaluate
            one’s health care providers in terms of their sensitivity or competency in
            health literacy.
               Yet another audience member said that she was concerned that, with
            the use of wikis, someone might actually act on health information before
            it is corrected.
               Kukafka was asked how liability is being addressed. She responded
            that there is a disclaimer on the site and that editorial control group will
            be  monitoring  the  content. Asked  about  how  content  development  for
            non-English-speaking populations was proceeding, Kukafka responded
            that  currently  the  portal  is  being  developed  in  English  because  of  the

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