Page 36 - 20dynamics of cancer
P. 36

AGE OF CANCER INCIDENCE                                      21

                                      %PP           3VEP TLV        0EV]R\          ,SHKOMR

                                     &VIEWX         4ERGVIEW        )WSTLEKW        8L]VSMH

                                    4VSWXEXI       1IPERSQE          3ZEV]           0MZIV

                                     0YRK           2, P]QTL        /MHRI]          'IVZM\

                                    'SPSVIGX        0IYOIQME        1]IPSQE

                                    &PEHHIV         7XSQEGL          &VEMR

                              Figure 2.2  Age-specific incidence for different cancers. The curves were calcu-
                              lated with the same database and methods as the top row of plots in Figure 2.1.
                              Male cases are shown by solid lines, female cases by dashed lines. Abbrevia-
                              tions: Oral.phr for oral-pharyngeal cancer; NH.lymph for non-Hodgkin’s lym-
                              phoma; and Esphags for esophageal cancer.

                              different times, under different environmental exposures, and in differ-
                              ent ethnic groups. Here, I intend only to introduce the kinds of data
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