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                 7. Reference standard results blinded (information bias)  When the reference standard was interpreted knowing the index test
                                                          results, this may have led to the overestimation of diagnostic test accuracy.
                                                          Studieswere scored‘yes’ ifblindingof the reference standardwasexplicitly
                                                          stated in the article or if this was acknowledged by authors in subsequent
                                                          personal communication. Otherwise, the studies were marked ‘unclear’,
                                                          unless blinding was explicitly stated to be absent

                 8. Index test results blinded (information bias)  When the index test results were interpreted without the knowledge of
                                                          results of the reference standard, or with more information than in prac-
                                                          tice, this may have resulted in bias, usually leading to an overestimation
                                                          of diagnostic accuracy. This item was scored ‘yes’ if blinding of the index
                                                          test was explicitly stated in the article or if this was acknowledged by
                                                          authors in subsequent personal communication. Otherwise, the studies
                                                          were marked ‘unclear’, unless blinding was explicitly stated to be absent

                 9. Relevant clinical information (information bias)  The availability of clinical data during interpretation of test results may
                                                          have affected estimates of test performance. This item was scored ‘yes’
                                                          if the data available during the study of diagnostic test accuracy was the
                                                          same as that which would have been available in normal clinical practice

                 10. Uninterpretable results explained    This item was scored ‘yes’ if uninterpretable results were explained or if
                                                          there were no uninterpretable results present. This item was scored ’no’
                                                          if uninterpretable results were found but not explained

                 11. Withdrawals explained                Excluding patients from the study may have led to an overestimation
                                                          of diagnostic accuracy. This item was scored ‘yes’ if withdrawals were
                                                          explained or if there were no withdrawals from the study. This item
                                                          was scored ’no’ if there were withdrawals from the study, but these were

                H I S T O R Y

                Protocol first published: Issue 9, 2010
                Review first published: Issue 12, 2011

                C O N T R I B U T I O N S O F A U T H O R S

                  • Louis W Wang: Designed and co-ordinated the review, collected data, undertook searches, screened search results, organised
                study retrieval, screened retrieved studies against inclusion criteria, appraised study quality, extracted data, corresponded with study
                authors to obtain additional information, data management, entry, analysis and interpretation, review writing.
                  • Angela C Webster: Designed and co-ordinated the review, corresponded with study authors to obtain additional information,
                analysed and interpreted data, review writing, provided general advice on the review, performed previous work that was the
                foundation of the current study, provided methodological and clinical perspectives (transplant physician).
                  • Magid A Fahim: Data collection, undertook searches, screened search results, screened retrieved studies against inclusion criteria,
                appraised study quality, data extraction.
                Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review)  102
                Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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