Page 387 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C2.1. Eligibility criteria, follow-up protocols, triggers for intervention and definition of progression in cohorts of active
 surveillance/ watchful waiting/other observational management strategies (continued)

 Center, Country   Eligibility criteria   Followup or monitoring protocol   Triggers for intervention/   Definition of
 [PMID]                          active therapy                   progression
 Enrollment year
 Univ. of   Patients who   WW: no additional information.   Increase in tumor volume   NR
 Connecticut   elected WW or   Patients on AS were followed with PSA on an average of every   (increased number or
 Health Center,   AS program.   6 mo. If PSA trending upward, the checks increased to every   percent of cores positive),
 US 108    Men on WW   3 mo depending on initial presentation and PSA trend.   progression in Gleason
 [18707696]   were generally   Rebiopsies recommended 2 yr after initial biopsy or if an   score, onset of urinary
    older with   increased in PSA >0.75 ng/dl, a change in DRE or at patient   symptoms, change in DRE
 1990-2006   localized   request.   or patient request for
 prostate cancer                 definitive treatment due to
 who did not                     anxiety related to
 desire                          increasing PSA trend.
 Men on AS
 were generally
 younger with
 Univ. of Florida,   Low-stage, low-  Patients are followed every 3 mo with PSA and DRE annually.   Cancer progresses or   NR
 US 149    grade disease   Repeat biopsy about 6 mo after the initial diagnosis.   symptoms become
 [18263992]   (minimal           imminent.
    disease on
 2003-2006   biopsy), severe
 condition with a
 life expectancy
 of <10 yr, and
 patient’s desire.
 Univ. of Miami,   Patients with   DRE and PSA every 3-4 mo for 2 yr and every 6 mo   Disease progression 110    Local stage
 US 110    clinically   subsequently.    Treatment is encouraged at   progression
 [17850361]   localized   After 2000, a laterally directed and peripherally targeted TRUS   an increase in tumor   detected by DRE
    prostate cancer   biopsy of 10-12 cores was performed 9-12 mo after the first   volume, Gleason score   and/or biochemical
 1991-2007   who elected for   rebiopsy, and then every yr or earlier if there was a dramatic   ≥7, or the presence of >2   progression (PSA
 watchful waiting   rise in PSA or a change on DRE.   positive cores.   increase 25-50 %/yr)
 and to be                                                        or systemic
 treated only                                                     progression when
 when disease                                                     metastases
 progressed. 127                                                  detected. 110
 No strict
 guidelines for

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