Page 183 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C1.1. Descriptive characteristics of the epidemiologic studies considered relevant to KQ1 (continued)
 Author   Database   Start  End year   Sample size   Eligibility criteria
 Year   year
 Mettlin    NCDB   1985  1990   85,813   NR
 Mettlin    NCDB   1985  1993   349,154   Convenience sample of cancer patients in hospitals that voluntarily
 1996    participated in the database.
 Mettlin    NCDB   1986  1992   108,717   All submitted data to NCDB in 1986-1987 and in 1992. The available data
 1995    [number of patients   represented ~30% and 77% of all prostate cancers diagnosed in the US in
 8625214   included in analyses   1986/1987 and 1992, respectively.
 of stage by time
 period; the analytic
 sample size varied
 between analyses]
 Mettlin    NCDB   1992  1995   176,316   NR
 Mettlin    NCDB   1992  1996   435,264   Prostate carcinoma (as reported from participating hospitals).
 Danley    LAC/USC   1976  1988   29,992   Invasive prostate cancer patients, aged ≥45 yr. Excluded men younger than
 1995    CSP   45 yr of age.
 Hamilton    POCS, NCI   1998  2002   2101    The 1998 POCS included primary histologically confirmed prostate cancer
 2011    [962 in 1998 and   patients diagnosed between Jan 1st, 1998 and Dec 31st, 1998. Patients with
 20735387   1139 in 2002; the   a history of previous cancer (except non-melanoma skin cancer) and those
 weighted sample   aged <21 yr were excluded. A stratified random sample of all prostate cancer
 size was 15,547 for   cases diagnosed in 10 regional population based cancer registries were
 1998 and 31,367 in   selected, according to patients’ race/ethnicity and age at diagnosis. For the
 2002]   2002 POCS, similar procedures were followed as in 1998 with the inclusion of
     additional registries.
 White    Texas   1995  2002   87,444    Incident invasive prostate cancer cases in men ≥25 yrs (last date of follow-
 2011   Cancer   [87,449 in abstract]   up was December 31, 2003)
 21351084   Registry
 Studies are arranged by database, then chronologically by the first year of enrollment, then by year of publication.
 ACTUR = Automated Central Tumor Registry; ADT = androgen deprivation therapy; BT = brachytherapy; EBRT = external beam radiation therapy; HMO = health maintenance
 organization; mo = months; NCHS = National Center for health Statistics; NR = not reported; POCS = Patterns of Care; PSA = prostate-specific antigen; QoL = quality of life;
 RT = radiation therapy; RP = radical prostatectomy; TNCS = Third National Cancer Survey; VA = Veteran’s Administration; WW = watchful waiting; yr = year.

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