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Appendix F: Registered stakeholder organisations

                         Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
                         Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
                         Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
                         Independent Midwives UK
                         Insitute of Biomedical Science
                         Inspiration Healthcare Ltd
                         Institute of biomedical Science
                         King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
                         Kingston Hospital NHS Trust
                         La Leche League GB
                         Leeds PCT
                         Liverool Women's NHS Foundation Trust
                         Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust
                         Luton & Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
                         Maternity Health Links
                         Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
                         Mid and West Regional Maternity Service Liasion Committe
                         MIDIRS (Midwives Information & Resource Service)
                         Ministry of Defence (MoD)
                         National Childbirth Trust
                         National Forum of LSA Midwifery Officers (UK)
                         National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)
                         National Screening Committee
                         Natus Medical Incorporated
                         NCC - Cancer
                         NCC - Mental Health
                         NCC - National Clinical Guidance Centre (NCGC)
                         NCC - Women & Children
                         Neonatal & Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG)
                         Neonatal & Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG)
                         NETSCC, Health Technology Assessment
                         Newham University Hospital NHS Trust
                         NHS Bedfordshire
                         NHS Bournemouth and Poole
                         NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries Service (SCHIN)
                         NHS Direct
                         NHS Isle of Wight
                         NHS Islington
                         NHS Kirklees
                         NHS Plus
                         NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
                         NHS Sheffield
                         NICE - CPHE
                         NICE - Guidelines Coordinator - for info
                         NICE - Guidelines HE for info
                         NICE - IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT Region - East
                         NICE - IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT - Region London/SE
                         NICE - IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT Region NW & NE
                         NICE - IMPLEMENTATION CONSULTANT Region West Midlands
                         NICE - IMPLEMENTATION CO-ORDINATION for info
                         NICE - Technical Appraisals (Interventional Procedures) FOR INFO
                         North Tees and Hartlepool Acute Trust
                         North Tees and Hartlepool Acute Trust
                         North Tees and Hartlepool Acute Trust
                         North Tees PCT
                         North Trent Neonatal Network
                         North West London Perinatal Network
                         North Yorkshire and York PCT

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