Page 18 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 18

Neonatal jaundice

              ID        Recommendations                                                 See Chapter/Section
              49        Follow expert advice about care for babies with a conjugated bilirubin           6.2
                        level greater than 25 micromol/litre because this may indicate serious liver
                        Intravenous immunoglobulin

              50        Use intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) (500 mg/kg over 4 hours) as an             7.4
                        adjunct to continuous multiple phototherapy in cases of Rhesus
                        haemolytic disease or ABO haemolytic disease when the serum bilirubin
                        continues to rise by more than 8.5 micromol/litre per hour.
              51        Offer parents or carers information on IVIG including:                             8
                        •   why IVIG is being considered
                        •   why IVIG may be needed to treat significant hyperbilirubinaemia
                        •   the possible adverse effects of IVIG
                        •   when it will be possible for parents or carers to see and hold the baby.
              52                                                                                           8
                        Exchange transfusion
                        Offer parents or carers information on exchange transfusion including:
                        •   the fact that exchange transfusion requires that the baby be admitted to
                          an intensive care bed
                        •   why an exchange transfusion is being considered
                        •   why an exchange transfusion may be needed to treat significant
                        •   the possible adverse effects of exchange transfusions
                        •   when it will be possible for parents or carers to see and hold the baby
                          after the exchange transfusion.
              53        Use a double-volume exchange transfusion to treat babies:                        7.3
                        •   whose serum bilirubin level indicates its necessity (see threshold table
                          (Section 1.3) and treatment threshold graphs (Section 1.6))
                        •   with clinical features and signs of acute bilirubin encephalopathy.
              54        During exchange transfusion do not :                                             7.3
                        •   stop continuous multiple phototherapy
                        •   perform a single-volume exchange
                        •   use albumin priming
                        •   routinely administer intravenous calcium.
              55        Following exchange transfusion:                                                  7.3
                        •   maintain continuous multiple phototherapy
                        •   measure serum bilirubin level within 2 hours and manage according to
                          threshold table (Section 1.3) and treatment threshold graphs
                          (Section 1.6).

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