Page 149 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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Neonatal jaundice

                                       Fixed supine  Changing position  Mean Difference  Mean Difference
                          Study or Subgroup  Mean  SD Total  Mean  SD  Total Weight  IV, Fixed, 95% CI  IV, Fixed, 95% CI
                          3.2.1 Supine versus changing position
                          F - Chen 2002  53.3 17.9  24  52.8  20.2  27  42.6%  0.50 [-9.96, 10.96]
                          F - Shinwell 2002  28  9  16  40  15  14  57.4% -12.00 [-21.01, -2.99]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)   40           41 100.0%  -6.67 [-13.50, 0.15]
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 3.15, df = 1 (P = 0.08); I² = 68%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 1.92 (P = 0.06)
                                                                             -50    -25    0      25     50
                                                                                Favours Fixed supine  Favours Changing position
                          Test for subgroup differences: Not applicable
                         Figure 7.13   Mean duration of treatment when fixed supine position is compared with changing the
                         baby’s position

                                           Conventional  Comparison  Mean Difference    Mean Difference
                          Study or Subgroup  Mean  SD Total  Mean  SD Total Weight  IV, Fixed, 95% CI  IV, Fixed, 95% CI
                          3.1.1 Supine versus changing positions
                          F - Chen 2002   -128  55  24  -127  45  27  10.0% -1.00 [-28.79, 26.79]
                          F - Mohammadzadeh 2004  -68  27  25  -62  22  25  41.6%  -6.00 [-19.65, 7.65]
                          F - Shinwell 2002  -115  23  16  -108  11  14  48.4%  -7.00 [-19.66, 5.66]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)       65         66 100.0%  -5.98 [-14.79, 2.82]
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 0.15, df = 2 (P = 0.93); I² = 0%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 1.33 (P = 0.18)
                                                                               -100  -50    0      50   100
                                                                                 Favours Conventional  Favours Comparison
                          Test for subgroup differences: Not applicable
                         Figure 7.14    Mean  change  in  serum  bilirubin  when fixed supine position is compared with
                         changing the baby’s position

                         Evidence summary
                         There  was  a  trend  (not  statistically  significant)  in  favour  of  a  fixed  supine  position  for  mean
                         duration of treatment and mean decrease in serum bilirubin in reviewed studies.
                         GDG translation from evidence

                         The  GDG  accepts  that,  in  term  babies,  the  position  of  the  baby  during  phototherapy  has  no
                         significant influence on duration of phototherapy or mean change in serum bilirubin. No studies
                         in preterm babies were identified.  To ensure consistent advice  regarding  the risk  of sudden
                         infant death syndrome, babies should be placed in a supine position.

                         See the end of Section 7.2.2.

                         Eye coverings
                         Description of included studies

                         Two  studies,  reported  in  three  publications, 169-171   with  241  participants  were  eligible  for  this
                         comparison but  only  one 170   (comparing  eye  patches  with  a  tinted  headbox)  contributed
                         outcome data. One study 169;170   was from Hong Kong and the other  was  from Italy. 171   The
                         evidence  level  of  one  study 169;170   was  EL 1+  as  a  computer-generated  sequence  was  used  to
                         allocate babies into the two groups. The second study 171  was rated EL 1− as neither the method
                         of randomisation or allocation concealment was reported.
                         The mean gestational age from this study 169;170  was 38.6 ± 2.6 weeks, the mean age at entry to study
                         was 89.5 ± 27.6 hours,  the mean birthweight was  3087 ± 611 g,  and the mean  baseline serum
                         bilirubin level was 258 ± 27 micromol/litre. In this study, 106 participants (52.2%) were male.

                         Review findings
                         There  were statistically significantly more cases of purulent eye discharge among the eye
                         patches group compared with the headbox group (RR 2.53, 95% CI 1.23 to 5.20) (Figure 7.15).
                         Similarly, there were more features of conjunctivitis  among the eyepatch  group (RR 6.44,
                         95% CI 1.49 to 27.80). (Figure 7.16)

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