Page 6 - 15Diarrhoeaandvomiting
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Guideline Development Group membership and acknowledgements v
Guideline Development Group v
Acknowledgements vi
Stakeholder organisations vi
Abbreviations viii
Glossary of terms ix
1 Scope and methodology 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Aim of the guideline 3
1.3 Areas within the scope of the guideline 3
1.4 Areas outside the scope of the guideline 4
1.5 For whom is the guideline intended 4
1.6 Who has developed the guideline? 5
1.7 Guideline development methodology 5
1.8 Schedule for updating the guideline 8
2 Summary of recommendations 9
2.1 Key priorities for implementation (key recommendations) 9
2.2 Summary of recommendations 11
2.3 Key priorities for research 17
2.4 Summary of research recommendations 19
2.5 Flow pathway for fluid management 19
3 Diagnosis 21
3.1 Clinical diagnosis 21
3.2 Laboratory investigations in diagnosis 27
4 Assessing dehydration and shock 38
4.1 Clinical assessment 38
4.2 Laboratory investigations for assessing dehydration 48
5 Fluid management 54
5.1 Primary prevention of dehydration 54
5.2 Treating dehydration 55
5.3 Optimal composition and administration of oral fluids 60
5.4 Intravenous fluid therapy (IVT) 66
5.5 Fluid management following rehydration 74
6 Nutritional management 76
6.1 Feeding during rehydration 76
6.2 Feeding following rehydration 78
7 Antibiotic therapy 90
7.1 Salmonella 90
7.2 Campylobacter 92
7.3 Yersinia 93
7.4 Shigella 94
7.5 Escherichia coli 95
7.6 Cryptosporidium 95
7.7 Treatment without prior identification of a pathogen 96
7.8 Traveller’s diarrhoea 98
7.9 Groups for whom antibiotic treatment may be indicated 99