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                           Table 3.5  Laboratory reports of enteric pathogen isolates, England and Wales (2002–2006)
                           stratified by age; data from the HPA website 63
                           Infecting organism  2002  2003   2004   2005   2006   Cumulative total for 5 year period
                           Adenovirus a
                             0–1 month       0      0       0      1      0      1
                             1–11 months     24     31      17     11     26     109
                             1–4 years       22     53      18     15     25     133
                                                                                 Total: 243
                           Astrovirus        data unavailable
                           Bacillus spp.     data unavailable
                           Clostridium botulinum data unavailable
                             0–1 month       0      0       0      0      0      0
                             1–11 months     11     13      25     10     2      61
                             1–4 years       7      15      17     8      6      53
                                                                                 Total: 114
                             <1 year         879    846     846    746    747    4064
                             1–4 years       2688   2425    2407   2490   2440   12450
                                                                                 Total: 16 514
                           Vibrio cholerae   data unavailable
                             0–1 month       7      6       5      10     4      32
                             1–11 months     75     163     113    156    125    632
                             1–4 years       839    1516    991    1205   934    5485
                                                                                 Total: 6149
                           E. coli O157      data unavailable c
                           Entamoeba histolytica
                             0–1 month        0     0       0      0      0      0
                             1–11 months      0     0       0      0      0      0
                             1–4 years        5     4       1      1      2      13
                                                                                 Total: 13
                           Giardia lamblia
                             0–1 month       30     34      30     23     37     154
                             1–11 months     333    375     358    283    315    1664
                             1–4 years       149    168     136    139    120    712
                                                                                 Total: 2530
                           Listeria monocytogenes data unavailable
                             0–1 month       4      6       8      1      2      21
                             1–11 months     120    97      91     51     80     439
                             1–4 years       144    75      121    63     98     501
                                                                                 Total: 961
                           Rotavirus         data unavailable
                           Salmonella d
                             <1 year          671   638     547    490    615    2961
                             1–4 years        1531  1465    1376   1330   1489   7191
                                                                                 Total: 10 152
                           Shigella          data unavailable
                           a   Adenovirus data includes adenovirus 40, 41, EM and ‘Adenovirus F’.
                           b   One case of childhood botulism in the last 10 years: a 5-month-old female in 2001.
                           c   E. coli O157: no data provided by HPA, but stated, ‘E. coli O157 is a relatively rare cause of infectious gastroenteritis
                            in England and Wales, however, the disease is severe and sometimes fatal, particularly in infants, young children and
                            the elderly.’
                           d   Salmonella data exclude S. typhi amp and S. paratyphi.

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