Page 59 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
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Chapter III. Results
literature search strategy we used for this SER by confirming that we were identifying
appropriate publications.
Screening Use of HPV Testing
Six studies relevant to primary screening uses of HPV testing met four strict criteria for
1. HPV specimen obtained and evaluated as a screening test;
2. Performance of HPV for predicting presence of CIN was evaluated by colposcopy
and/or histology as the reference standard;
3. HPV test and reference standard were applied within an average of 3 months; and
4. A validation of negative HPV results was undertaken, such that a complete 2x2
table relating the HPV test findings to the reference standard can be completed.
These articles are summarized in detail in Evidence Table 3A. Table 7 extracts key
features of all 6 studies and their populations to demonstrate the varied spectrum of disease in the
populations screened. Although each of these studies used HPV testing in a population or clinic-
based sample that enrolled consecutive women in a fashion comparable to screening use, 5 of the
6 studies used a study population at high risk for cervical dysplasia. One obtained specimens
from HIV-positive German women; 2 were based in Zimbabwe and enrolled primary care
patients in a population chosen for high prevalence of HIV infection; 62,63 1 selected participants
in Cape Town, South Africa, with no prior screening; and 1 enrolled women from Guanacaste
Province, Costa Rica, where cervical cancer screening has been relatively unsuccessful in
reducing cervical cancer incidence. Only Cuzick and colleagues study of 2,988 women