Page 49 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
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Chapter III.  Results

               conflicting results on the basis of all the data.  Because the threshold for colposcopy was ASCUS

               or higher, the majority of equivocal final case diagnoses are presumed to be equivocal low-grade

               findings although the precise make-up of this group is not clearly specified in the article.

                       Bearing this classification system in mind, we have calculated performance measures for

               ThinPrep  using two different assumptions about equivocal final diagnosis; one assumption
               includes them in normal, and the other in LSIL.  Based on the findings of no abnormal histology

               among the random sample of 150 women with normal final diagnoses (i.e., all screening test

               negative) who were evaluated with colposcopy and biopsy, estimates of sensitivity, specificity

               and predictive value are based on the presumption of no false negatives, which is plausible based

               on the number of tests applied and the consensus process for assigning the final diagnoses.

               Table 6 summarizes test characteristics at different thresholds;  assignment of the equivocal

               cases is indicated.

                       Two studies of ThinPrep , known for the large size of the populations screened (>35,000
               each), did not meet strict criteria.  These studies provide histology results for a subset of subjects

                                                                                       52,53
               obtained within undisclosed periods of time from the screening ThinPrep .     Neither used a

               colposcopy/histology reference standard to verify test negatives, and both studies appear to rely

               on histology specimens associated with clinical care for calculating sensitivity and specificity of

               the ThinPrep  test compared to conventional cytology.

                       Among 10,694 US patients in the latter study screened by ThinPrep , 630 women had

               cytology diagnoses of ASCUS or more severe; 1,395 of 39,408 women screened by conventional

               cytology had cytology of ASCUS or more severe.   However, the estimates of sensitivity and

               specificity reported in the publication are based on 54 biopsy reports in the ThinPrep  group and
               89 in the conventional cytology group.  The authors do not specify how these “available”

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