Page 40 - 84 human physiolofy part-1
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Chapter 3


            Parts of the fingernail

                 The fingernail is an important structure made of
            keratin. The fingernail generally serve two purposes. It
            serves as a protective plate and enhances sensation of
            the fingertip. The protection function of the fingernail
            is   commonly   known,   but   the   sensation   function   is
            equally   important.   The   fingertip   has   many   nerve
            endings   in   it   allowing   us   to   receive   volumes   of
            information about objects we touch. The nail acts as a
            counterforce   to   the   fingertip   providing   even   more
            sensory input when an object is touched.               The parts of a finger nail

            Nail Structure

                 The structure we know of as the nail is divided into six specific parts - the root, nail bed, nail plate,
            eponychium (cuticle), perionychium, and hyponychium.

                 Root The root of the fingernail is also known as the germinal matrix. This portion of the nail is
            actually beneath the skin behind the fingernail and extends several millimeters into the finger. The
            fingernail root produces most of the volume of the nail and the nail bed. This portion of the nail does
            not have any melanocytes, or melanin producing cells. The edge of the germinal matrix is seen as a
            white, crescent shaped structure called the lunula.

                 Nail Bed The nail bed is part of the nail matrix called the sterile matrix. It extends from the edge
            of the germinal matrix, or lunula, to the hyponychium. The nail bed contains the blood vessels, nerves,
            and melanocytes, or melanin-producing cells. As the nail is produced by the root, it streams down
            along the nail bed, which adds material to the undersurface of the nail making it thicker. It is important
            for normal nail growth that the nail bed be smooth. If it is not, the nail may split or develop grooves
            that can be cosmetically unappealing.

                 Nail Plate The nail plate is the actual fingernail, made of translucent keratin. The pink appearance
            of the nail comes from the blood vessels underneath the nail. The underneath surface of the nail plate
            has grooves along the length of the nail that help anchor it to the nail bed.

                 Eponychium The cuticle of the fingernail is also called the eponychium. The cuticle is situated
            between the skin of the finger and the nail plate fusing these structures together and providing a
            waterproof barrier.

                 Perionychium  The perioncyhium is the skin that overlies the nail plate on its sides. It is also
            known as the paronychial edge. The perionychium is the site of hangnails, ingrown nails, and an
            infection of the skin called paronychia.

                 Hyponychium  The hyponychium is the area between the nail plate and the fingertip. It is the
            junction between the free edge of the nail and the skin of the fingertip, also providing a waterproof

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