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               cytologic abnormality to predict any degree of anal dysplasia is 95%.[721]  Lesions are treated
               with excision.[711]
                       An epidermodysplasia verruciformis-like (AEV) syndrome occurs in HIV-infected
               persons co-infected with HPV.  AEV is characterized by hypopigmented macules or
               erythematous flat-topped papules on the face, trunk, and arms.  AEV most commonly occurs
               with HPV types 5, 8, 17, and 20.[722]

                       AIDS ENTEROPATHY.-- Despite extensive clinical workup and laboratory testing,
               some AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and/or malabsorption cannot be found to
               have an infection or etiologic factor that can explain the symptomatology, even after biopsy.
               Endoscopic biopsies in such cases may show prominent villus atrophy, crypt architectural
               distortion, decrease in crypt/villus ratio, and increased IgM containing but decreased IgA
               lymphocytes within the lamina propria.  However, AIDS patients without diarrhea may also have
               endoscopic biopsies that show villous atrophy.  The term "AIDS enteropathy" has been used to
               describe this condition.  The malabsorption is out of proportion to the degree of pathologic
               changes present. Octreotide and nutrional support have been recommended for patients with
               AIDS enteropathy.[723]
                       The pathogenesis of this enteropathy may be related directly to local HIV infection, and
               antiretroviral therapy leads to statistically significant improvements in gastrointestinal
               symptoms.  Several theories have been postulated to explain this enteropathy.  HIV may have an
               effect upon mucosal ion flux that is cytokine mediated to alter transepithelial resistance by
               changes in transcellular or intercellular (paracellular) permeability.   A decreased staining of
               acetylated tubulin has been observed in small bowel and colonic epithelial cells from HIV-
               infected subjects, implying microtubular depolymerization and cytoskeletal alterations.
               Incubation of the intestinal cell line, HT-29, with gp120, applied to the basolateral side, led to an
               increase in cytosolic calcium, which was associated with both tubulin depolymerization and
               decreased epithelial resistance, suggesting that HIV enteropathy is a pathophysiological
               consequence of gp120 exposure, and is independent of epithelial cell HIV infection.[724]

                       HIV WASTING SYNDROME.-- Progressive, involuntary weight loss is a common
               accompaniment to HIV infection.  Poor diet from lack of sufficient care or economic resources
               certainly plays a role, as well as malabsorption from concomitant AIDS-associated infections or
               neoplasms, particularly those affecting the GI tract.  However, there are persons with HIV
               infection and AIDS who do not have a concurrent illness or condition other than HIV infection
               that explains a weight loss of >10% of baseline body weight plus either chronic diarrhea or
               chronic weakness and fever, which are the CDC criteria for HIV wasting syndrome that satisfy
               definitional criteria for a diagnosis of AIDS.[392]  Additional criteria that adjust for changes in
               baseline weight with advancing HIV illness include unintentional loss of >10% body weight, a
               body mass index decreasing to <20, or unintentional loss of 15% body weight in 6 months that
               persists for at least 1 year.  About a third of HIV-infected persons may be affected by this
               wasting syndrome.[725]
                       Several causative factors probably contribute to the development of wasting syndrome.
               These can include hypermetabolic or altered metabolic states, production of cytokines such as
               tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 because of macrophage infection by HIV, and endocrine
               dysfunction.  Also, progression of HIV infection may play a role in the appearance of wasting
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