Page 58 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 58

IR-11 Solids

                       C O N T E N T S

                       IR-11.1  I ntroduction
                         IR-11.1.1 General
                         IR-11.1.2 Stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric phases
                       IR-11.2  N  ames of solid phases
                         IR-11.2.1 General
                         IR-11.2.2 Mineral names
                       IR-11.3  C  hemical c omposition
                         IR-11.3.1 Approximate formulae
                         IR-11.3.2 Phases with variable composition
                       IR-11.4  P  oint defect (Kro ¨ger–Vink) notation
                         IR-11.4.1 General
                         IR-11.4.2 Indication of site occupancy
                         IR-11.4.3 Indication of crystallographic sites
                         IR-11.4.4 Indication of charges
                         IR-11.4.5 Defect clusters and use of quasi-chemical equations
                       IR-11.5  P  hase nomenclature
                         IR-11.5.1 Introduction
                         IR-11.5.2 Recommended notation
                       IR-11.6  N  on-stoichiometric phases
                         IR-11.6.1 Introduction
                         IR-11.6.2 Modulated structures
                         IR-11.6.3 Crystallographic shear structures
                         IR-11.6.4 Unit c ell twinning or chemical twinning
                         IR-11.6.5 Infinitely adaptive structures
                         IR-11.6.6 Intercalation compounds
                       IR-11.7  P  olymorphism
                         IR-11.7.1 Introduction
                         IR-11.7.2 Use of crystal systems
                       IR-11.8  F  inal remarks
                       IR-11.9  R  eferences

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