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                   Paediatric Trauma: Epidemiology,

                             Prevention, and Control

                                                     Francis A. Abantanga
                                                       Charles N. Mock

                             Introduction                        injuries  occur  when  a  child  is  exposed  to  mechanical,  electrical,  or
          Trauma  is  the  leading  cause  of  disability,  death,  and  hospitalisation   thermal energy. Childhood injuries can be penetrating or nonpenetrating,
          among children and adolescents globally. It constitutes an enormous   with blunt injuries predominating; but many penetrating injuries can be
          financial burden on society in particular and governments in general.   disturbing and life threatening.
          The impact of injury in developing nations has not been as extensively   Injuries  should  not  be  considered  as  random  events  or  accidents.
          studied  as in industrialised countries, and therefore often is not fully   They have an association with many predictable factors, such as age,
          appreciated.  Traditionally,  infectious  diseases  and  malnutrition  have   sex,  geographic  location,  and  socioeconomic  status.  Risk  for  serious
          predominated as causes of morbidity and mortality in developing coun-  injury  is  highly  age-related.  There  are  also  developmental-related
          tries. All the same, injury is a major health problem among children of   vulnerabilities.  Young  infants  are  at  higher  risk  of  inflicted  trauma
          all ages worldwide.                                    due  to  their  small  size  and  inability  to  protect  themselves.  Risks  for
             For most parts of the African subregion, there are no trauma registries,   teenagers are higher as a result of increased exposure to hazards and
          and  as  such,  it  is  difficult  to  know  how  much  trauma  contributes  to   risk-taking behaviours. In other words, the range of causes of injury and
          injuries and death. Accurate data on the extent and nature of injuries are   the character of the injuries seen in children vary with age. For example,
          required to formulate effective policies targeted at reducing the burden   transport-related injuries are common in all age groups but are found
          of  injury  and  in  particular  to  compare  the  contribution  to  morbidity   to be more common in teenagers and adolescents, with resultant high
          and mortality due to injuries with that due to infectious diseases and   morbidity and mortality rates in these age groups. Also, burn injuries
          malnutrition.  Most  of  the  studies  on  injuries  in  the  subregion  are   are more rampant in children younger than 4 years of age than in older
          hospital-based; given the limited access to hospital care and emergency   children. In developing countries, falls are usually the most common
          transport in low-income countries, these studies are unlikely to be truly   cause of injury seen in hospitals, affecting the age group of 5–9 years
          representative of what is happening in the communities.  more than other age groups.
             By the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the   Overall, injury rates are higher in socioeconomically less-endowed
          World Bank, injury is likely to account for 20% of all disability-adjusted   communities than in more affluent societies. In addition, boys are more
          life year (DALY) losses for the world’s population by 2020. Road traffic   likely than girls to be harmed by unintentional injuries. Various research
          injuries alone are the third leading cause of DALY losses. In spite of this,   studies have demonstrated this fact and have concluded that male sex is
          very little attention is paid to injury as a major health problem globally,   a risk for all types of injury death, with the ratio of male deaths to female
          particularly in the developing world.                  deaths varying by injury mechanism.
             The  care  of  trauma  patients  is  a  continuous  process  and  involves   Unintentional Injuries
          the initial first aid, the in-hospital care for the acute phase, and finally   The mechanisms of unintentional injuries in children include transporta-
          rehabilitation. For this to be successful, a trauma system must be put in   tion accidents, falls, burns, insect or animal stings and bites, agricultural
          place involving hospitals, trained personnel, and public agencies such   injuries, drownings and submersions, poisonings, suffocations, and gun-
          as  the  ambulance  services  and  the  Red  Cross,  among  others.  Such  a   shot wounds.
          trauma  system  will  require  communication  capabilities  to  be  able  to   Transport-related injuries
          triage and rapidly transport injured children from the field of injury to a
          suitable facility for immediate treatment and rehabilitation. Frankly, the   Transport-related injuries are considered in many studies (mostly hospi-
          focus in the African subregion should be on injury prevention because   tal-based in the subregion) to be the leading cause of injuries, sometimes
          treating injuries is very expensive and the costs of injuries to society   fatal, in children. Transport-related mechanisms of injury include motor
          are enormous.                                          vehicle crashes, pedestrian knockdowns, motorcycle crashes, bicyclists
                                                                 either falling off their bicycles or being hit by motorised vehicles, and
                  Epidemiology of Injury in Children             injuries related to tractors, among others. Motor vehicle crashes predom-
          Knowledge  of  the  epidemiology  of  injury  will  help  with  prevention   inate in low-income and middle-income countries. Road traffic injuries
          methods.  Epidemiology  is  the  study  of  the  factors  determining  and   lead to serious head, chest, abdominal, and limb injuries with resultant
          influencing the frequency and distribution of disease, injury, and other   severe  permanent  disability  or  even  death.  From  two  hospital-based
          health-related events, as well as their causes in a defined human popula-  studies  in  Ghana  and  Nigeria,  for  example,  road  traffic  crashes  were
          tion. Epidemiology of injury involves the collection of data concerning   the most common cause of injuries to children; over 81% and 90% of
          the time, the place, the mechanism, and the victim of injury. The purpose   children, respectively, in the two reports were pedestrians knocked down
          of studying injury and its causes is to establish programmes to prevent   by  automobiles  and  motorcycles.  Table  25.1  illustrates  the  problem
          and control its development and spread. Injury is known to be a lead-  associated with pedestrian knockdowns, which is partly a result of rapid
          ing threat to the health of children in Africa, with unintentional injuries   urbanisation and increased motorisation all over Africa in recent years.
          being the leading cause of morbidity and mortality.    The table shows that a vast majority of road traffic injuries involve child
             Injuries are subdivided into life threatening and non–life threatening.   pedestrians who have been knocked down by moving vehicles. Any pre-
          Life-threatening  injuries  may  be  intentional  or  unintentional.  Such   vention efforts should therefore target this mechanism of injury directly.
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