Page 1 - Interaction of Multiple Bonded and Unsaturated Heavier Main Group Compounds with Hydrogen, Ammonia, Olefins, and Related Molecules
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Interaction of Multiple Bonded and Unsaturated
                              Heavier Main Group Compounds with

                           Hydrogen, Ammonia, Olefins, and Related

                                                      PHILIP P. POWER*
                                 Department of Chemistry, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis,
                                                  California 95616, United States
                                                    RECEIVED ON MARCH 18, 2011


                        e showed in 2005 that a digermyne, a main group compound with a digermanium core and aromatic substituents, reacted
                   W directly with hydrogen at 25 °C and 1 atm to give well-defined hydrogen addition products. This was the first report of a
                   reaction of main group molecules with hydrogen under ambient conditions. Our group and a number of others have since shown
                   that several classes of main group molecules, either alone or in combination, react directly (in some cases reversibly) with hydrogen
                   under mild conditions. Moreover, this reactivity was not limited to hydrogen but also included direct reactions with other important
                   small molecules, including ammonia, boranes, and unactivated olefins such as ethylene. These reactions were largely unanticipated
                   because main group species were generally considered to be too unreactive to effect such transformations.
                      In this Account, we summarize recent developments in the reactions of the multiple bonded and other open shell derivatives of
                   the heavier main group elements with hydrogen, ammonia, olefins, or related molecules. We focus on results generated primarily
                   in our laboratory, which are placed in the context of parallel findings by other researchers. The close relationship between
                   HOMOLUMO separations, symmetry considerations, and reactivity of the open shell in main group compounds is emphasized, as
                   is their similarity in reactivity to transition metal organometallic compounds.
                      The unexpectedly potent reactivity of the heavier main group species arises from the large differences in bonding between the
                   light and heavy elements. Specifically, the energy levels within the heavier element molecules are separated by much smaller gaps
                   as a result of generally lower bond strengths. In addition, the ordering and symmetries of the energy levels are generally different
                   for their light counterparts. Such differences lie at the heart of the new reactions. Moreover, the reactivity of the molecules can often
                   be interpreted qualitatively in terms of simple molecular orbital considerations. More quantitative explanations are accessible
                   from increasingly sophisticated density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
                      We open with a short description of the background developments that led to this work. These advances involved the synthesis
                   and characterization of numerous new main group molecules involving multiple bonds or unsaturated configurations; they were
                   pursued over the latter part of the last century and the beginning of the new one. The results firmly established that the structures
                   and bonding in the new compounds differed markedly from those of their lighter element congeners. The knowledge gained from
                   this fundamental work provided the framework for an understanding of their structures and bonding, and hence an understanding
                   of the reactivity of the compounds discussed here.

          1. Introduction: Heavier Group 14 Element             and stabilization of heavier group 14 element alkyne
          Alkyne Analogues, Related Group 13 Dime-              analogues REER (E = SiPb, R = large organic or silyl
          tallenes, and Other Low Valent Group 13 and           substituent) were a significant part of these advances.
          14 Element Species                                    Beginning with the diplumbyne Ar*PbPbAr* (Ar* = C 6 H 3 -
          The new millennium has seen major developments in     2,6(C 6 H 2 -2,4,6-Pr 3 ) 2 ) in 2000, 2d  stable tin, 2b  germanium, 2c
          multiple bonded heavier main group chemistry. The synthesis  and silicon 2a,e  analogues had been prepared by 2004. This
                                                                   Vol. 44, No. 8 ’ 2011 ’ 627–637 ’ ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ’ 627
          Published on the Web 06/10/2011
          10.1021/ar2000875  & 2011 American Chemical Society
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